My HP Pavilion 724c had a lot of bugs in it when it was given to me. Using various progs, I got the pop-ups and viruses under control. I have had to do 2 complete recoveries and each time I get the unwanted pop-ups again. The recovery files appear to be locked out of accessing! I can not figure how to scan these files and clear things up. I select the correct drive and select archives, but after a scan, it shows 177 files that it could not scan [recovery files] (I know these are infected with bugs). Any suggestions how to scan these "locked out " system recovery files? ???
In ME and XP, the system restore files are in a “protected” area. There is not much you can do with them. If they are infected, they will keep coming back again and again and…
About the only thing you can do is, disable system restore, reboot, this will clear out all restore points. Clean your machine, when you are sure it is clean, re-enable system restore.
Edited: On Windows XP you can avast scheduled to run at boot time and you’ll have System Restore folder scanned…
Ahhhh yes… ;D
After I re-installed Avast, it did do a boot scan and found a trojan. I have not tried turning off sys. restore and tried a boot scan. I guess I should try this then. Also, when I did my last recovery, I had to burn the recovery files onto a CD and use it. Is there a way to scan that recovery disc? Thanks in advance!
From the help files
Removable Media Scanning
Click on the Removable media icon.
Select the media to test (diskette, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM).
By moving the slider, set the scanning level.
By checking the Scan archive files, specify whether you want to scan archive files content.
Press the Start button.
The running scan can be stopped by the Stop button or paused by the Pause button
This is for the simple interface, icon is on the right hand side middle.
edited to add
You can also right click the drive you have your cd in and select scan.