Scans running out of their schedule

I’ve scheduled a scan to run at 20:15.
But it starts always at 18:00.
Not even 18:15…

What’s wrong with Avast scheduling?

Mine didn’t work as well? I set my full system scan to start @ 14:00pm today, but it didn’t start at all. Now I set to scan this Friday at 10:00am. I will see what it will do next time.

I don’t either what’s wrong with it? Probably a bug or some sort. I installed Avast 2015 via a clean install.

UPDATE: Today is Friday and it’s 12pm. I set my Avast Free to scan at 10am it didn’t happen at all. I am going to report this to the avast beta forum to see if this issue has/is changed or fixing it.

Perhaps I’m a bit confused… Shouldn’t we be expecting you to provide us the answer to that?

For what it’s worth, when I upgraded to version 2015, it retained my 6am scheduled time for a custom scan, which I set up quite a while before with version 2014, and version 2015 has been faithfully executing that scan at 6am every day since. I haven’t tried to schedule anything new with version 2015. Maybe this can help someone find the problem, I don’t know.


You’re new here…
Not all the Avast team members are coders or inside technicians.

Do you not have internal email in your company? A telephone? Instant messenger? Are you not able to walk down the hall and ask a question?

Are you saying that the best way for an Avast person to contact another Avast person in order to advise of a problem is to post on the forum?

What I’d like to see is a Avast “Developer” (tech guy) assigned to the Forum and every day he/she looks at the Forum and responds. Avast has some super posters here that could point (PM) the tech to the top issues so perhaps he/she is only having to look at say top 10 posts/threads/issues. IMHO the Forum gives Avast a lot of great feedback on issues and I’ve been on/reading it for almost two years now and seems Avast spends less time here and the bugs that are IDed and discussed at length are not addressed many times…some are…most are not.

Just my two cents and observation.

+1 AMEN!

  1. Yes, they probably have internal email. It would be very difficult for Lisandro to walk down the hall…he lives in Brazil.

  2. He posted here in case anyone else is having the same issue. If there was maybe another user might have a solution.
    Lisandro is an avast team member and knows a lot, but he doesn’t know “everything”.

Why not? It’s a forum after all. Besides, I’ve been in forum much before I join Avast team.
As you can see, we have nothing to hide. If we have an issue, let’s try to fix it.
Respect. Freedom. Friendship. Count with users opinions. I see a lot of advantages.

This is a forum of users and one to which avast hardly ever responds to our questions… so you as a member of avast are asking users what the problem with the avast product is. Doesnt that appear backwards to you? Especially since that question has been posed multiple times on the forum from multiple users who have not received an answer from avast.

Im just saying… if you have an inside way of finding out that answer then I, and everyone, would appreciate it greatly if you would find out the answer and let us all know.

You work for avast, you have multiple ways to get answers… better yet, maybe you could put a recommendation in to have a sticky on the forum so we can all monitor known issues and when they plan on fixing them… starting with your schedules issue, window opening after scheduled scan, exclusions not sticking, users being ignored when they are looking for refunds… and any of the other issues that have been floating around for a while and continue reoccurring with no response from avast.

Its not about hiding anything… it’s about keeping users informed and a member of avast asking us whats going on… is backwards.

You should become the forum hero Lisandro and take charge and help us track and solve these issues to which avast remains silent.

Relatively speaking, I suppose I am. But I’m not particularly new to the world of professional high tech.

A professional organization doesn’t usually communicate internally via public forums. I was just surprised by it, that’s all. I’m not critical of you; quite the contrary, I’m glad you’re trying to make the product better.
