Schedule scan start time incorrect - Free version


I’ve been through some of the old posts and they seem to say that this has been fixed but I still have an issue.

Windows 8.1
Avast 19.4.2374

It doesn’t seem to matter what time I schedule a scan for it seems to start whenever it wants to and slows my laptop down.

A little while ago a scan scehduled for Friday at 23:30 started on Saturday morning around 6:00. It wasn’t even 23:30 in the UK when it started.

Please can someone point me in the direction of some help with this issue (I’m assuming that this has been sorted out already). It’s gettting so bad now that I’m thinking about changing to another anti-virus provider. This has been going on for some time and I’ve simply been stopping the scans and then starting them manually at another time.

Thanks for your help,

Tried a repair and reboot? >>

Sheduled scan is not very important for your protection, realtime protection is important, it monitors evrything that goes on in your computer when it is on

Repair & Clean Install of Avast

Do a clean install of Avast.