Avast Free 18.5.2342
I scheduled a monthly Full Virus Scan and can view the date and time by clicking 'Settings->Scheduling but why doesn’t the scheduled date and time appear either above or below the ‘Full Virus Scan’ box to make it easier to view it?
I’m not entirely sure what it is that you want.
Have you not just clicked the Scan History to view all of your scans, they would also be in date order if I remember correctly.
You misunderstood my question so I will be clearer.
- I am aware of ‘how’ to view previous monthly scan logs but I wanted to know how I can view the ‘NEXT’ scheduled monthly scan without having to go into ‘Settings->Scheduling’ to view it there.
The date and time of the ‘NEXT’ scan should be listed just above the ‘Full Virus Scan’ box as a reminder of the next scheduled scan.
- The ‘Scheduling section’ offers options ‘do not start the scan if running on batteries’ and ‘pause the scan if batteries mode begins’-Does ‘battery’ refer to accessing Avast with a Smartphone?