scheduled scan

I have the latest version of Avast free.For some reason its doing a schedule scan at 7:50 and 8:00 every morning for the last 3 days.How do I stop this ?

By reversing any schedule created in the scans, avast doesn’t just up and do a scheduled scan it has to be user set.

You don’t say which scan is being done, Quick or Full System or Custom scan ?
Enter the Scan Computer, The particular scan being run, Expert settings, Scheduling, and remove the schedule. See image example of my Full System Scan Schedule.

open avast > scan > (any type of scan i think ) > settings > sheduling

I have nothing scheduled everything is unchecked

Did ever set anything in the Windows Task Scheduler ?

No everything is as it should be, nothing scheduled

Where are you getting the information that these scans have run ?

Can you post the header information of the daily scan/s.