Scheduled Scans not running with Avast Free 17.1.2286

I have two PCs with the latest version that the scheduled scans are not running as there is no entry in the Scan History logs. On Win 7 Home PC the “Schedule this scan” box is checked, set for Weekly scan, set for Sunday (yesterday) at 01:00. The message under the Full Scan Block says “Run you scan Weekly at 0:00”. On Win 10 Home PC the “Schedule this scan” box is checked, set for Weekly scan, set for Monday (today) at 01:00. The message under the Full Scan Block says “Run you scan Weekly at 5:00”. Any help would be appreciated.

I take it you also have it wake up the system to be able to run the scheduled scan ?

If so then the next question is do you have the fast start option in windows 10 enabled ?
If so I have some instances in the forums that the fast start doesn’t actually go to sleep in the normal way. So avast can’t actually wake up the system.

I have only been using win10 for a short time so I’m still finding my way around it.

There is no setting in avast to wake the system that I could find. However my PCs are set to turn off the monitor after 20 minutes but turn off the hard drive is set to never. I also have hibernate set to never. I am going to set the timer to do a scan at 11:30 EST which is about 14 minutes from now. The PC will be in use so there will be nothing that needs to be awakened. Let see if that scheduled scan starts, I will let you know the results.

It is now 11:50 EST and the 11:30 scheduled scan did not start as requested. The Win 10 PC is a Dell. Under the Power Options I see no mention of Fast Start. Under the Advanced option Sleep options they are set as follows: Sleep after - Never, Allow hybrid sleep - off, Hibernate after - Never, and Allow wake timers - enable.

OK, it was there previously in 12.3.2280 ‘Wake up the system to start the scan (if in sleep mode)’ and ‘Shut down the system after the scan finishes.’

I don’t know if this is an omission or intentional, if so, presumably it would wake up by default. But given what you said it isn’t waking up to run the scan, so is it an omission or a bug.

EDIT: I have reported this to see if avast can resolve this.

Thank you DavidR, hopefully they will find a resolution.

You’re welcome.

DavidR, I found a solution to this post. If you make a change in the schedule you must reboot for it to take effect. I don’t remember it being that way in prior releases but it may have and I just lucked out and it always worked.

Thanks for the feedback, this certainly isn’t something that I would have considered. As far as I’m aware that wasn’t the case in earlier versions, but I could be wrong as I very rarely run on-demand scans (other than for testing).

Another issue is that I always shut this XP Pro desktop system down at night, my laptop and netbook I just close the lid :wink:

I’m also having the issue where the actual scheduled time and the “Run your ___ scan at ___” of the GUI do not match. Using Win 10 Home 64bit. Has this bug been acknowledged?