Scheduling a scan

Hi. I’m a new user of Avast Home Edition. Is there some way to schedule disk scans on a regular basis? Perusal of the forum hinted to me that the only way is upgrading to Pro. Is there any way to use the Windows scheduler in WinME with one of the executables and switches? Looking for advise.

you are right…only the pro version can schedule scans…

however i read somewhere in the forum that you can do it with windows scheduler using ashquick.exebut then i can’t find the thread for you >:(…i never try it though…not sure how well it works :slight_smile:

Yes, you can but it’s very little configurable (archive file types, report settings, cleaning, etc.)… 8)

All I really want to do is scan my C drive automatically once a week, and have a report which lists any viruses (if any). Would that be achieved simply by having the following scheduled task:

c:\programfiles\avast\ashquick.exe c:


Actually, I’m staring to wonder if I need to do this at all. I have the real-time scanner running all the time. The machine I’m protecting is used only as a file and ftp server, and is connected to the internet all the time through my router. Would the real-time scan catch anything that came through anyway??

Yeah. But I’m not sure you will see any report ::slight_smile:

If you have the real-time scanner running all the time, the only possibility is avast caught a file infected with a ‘new’ virus that was not present at the ‘old’ virus database. The majority of the time, you get only false positives (if any) ::slight_smile:

I suggest you use the screen saver module. You can configure it and have your disks scanned while you’re not using the computer 8)

Where can I find details on the “screen saver module”? Is this available in the home edition, or only in the Pro edition?

I think it’s available in both Home and Professional version but, like any other module, in Pro version it is even more configurable… specially on virus cleanning (automatic actions).

Do this:

  1. Control Panel > Video properties
  2. Screen Saver tab
  3. Choose avast screen saver
  4. Click ‘Configure’
  5. Inside of its configurations, choose your ‘own’ screen saver and other details.
  6. I could say more but I know it will be only in professional version… :-[