Screen saver scan

Mine is visible among Scan options but there is nothing to indicate whether it is on or off.

When the computer is left on in my absence for a few hours their is no evidence in Scan Logs that the Screen saver scan has functioned.

How should it be activated`?

Have you selected the avast screensaver in the Windows screensaver option ?

Display properties, Screensaver, see image, then click the Settings button. You will get an avast Screensaver window, where you can select if it should loop.

Thanks David,

My computer is “in German”: I right-clicked on Computer in WE and would show you what came up but don’t know how to save it as a gif or php as you have . It diplays System Properties and the options - Computer Name, Hardware, Advanced, etc

Should I go through the Windows program or Progran Data options clicking on Properties (Eigenschaften) to find Display Properties and Screen Saver (Bildschirmschoener)?

Right click on a clear part of your desktop and select Properties (see image), and that will display the first image in my last reply (or similar, given that you use Vista and mine is XP).


Please read:
How To Capture a Screen Shot with the Snipping Tool in Windows Vista / Windows 7

Right click the Desktop like DavidR recommends.

Or read:
Change screen saver

David - Vista was a bit different but nonetheless I reached the Screen Saver Panel (Bildschirmschoner if anyone is interested!) and set it to Avast!

Does this mean that the Screen saver scan will now operate?

YoKenny - I will now look at those links thanks.

If you clicked the Settings button I mentioned, then set the delay you want (default is 1 minute I believe) before the screensaver starts in the the avast screensaver window.

Then yes it should now be ready.


It worked. I was on the phone for about 5 minutes and it started (of course it has now stopped but I would wonder whether when it restarts it would start from the beginning) . The Scan is set to Thorough. It is one of the good features of Avast that you switch it on and it does everything for you, and very easy to interface with when you want to know what has been going on.

Thanks very much.

You’re welcome.

It restart from the folder that it left off at I believe when windows next goes into screensaver mode.

I have to admit I don’t use it as I don’t use the screensaver function on my system, I put it into power saving mode with the monitor powering down rather than running a screensaver.


I wonder of a normal Scan would work (or a Screensaver Scan for that matter) when you set “power saving mode” with the monitor powering down?


Screensavers were only needed with old CRT monitors to prevent screen burn in.

I’d still be interested to know whether a scan can be carried out in “power saving mode”.

If only the monitor is powered off, no problems, the scheduled scanning (not the screensaver one) will run in background.
It’s different if the computer is on sleep or hibernate modes.

I see, thanks. I had assumed that power saving mode (“Energie sparen” in German - “spare energy”) was just “monitor off”. I suppose sleep mode just doesn’t have the power to run a scan.

I can’t see how the screensaver scan can run if the monitor is in power saver (soft power off) or if powered off at the monitor power button. Though I have never tried the latter with the monitor switched off, you would have to check the report file to see if it does.

Normal scans can be scheduled and they can be set wake up from Sleep, see image. Though a Custom scan would be better as you can set scan areas and some other settings not available in the pre-defined Quick and Full System scans.

Avast is very flexible/configurable, you just need to explore the user interface.