Screen Saver

When avast screensaver finding virus it is showing message that “scann interupted”, why screensaver cannot continue scan after it found a virus?
Default action is setup to “repair > move to chest > delete”

“delete” is marked “on reboot”.

It should work if you have the Pro version and set specifically that order (repair > move to chest > delete) into Screen Saver Task…

I’m afraid that’s how the Screen-saver works, even in the Professional version.

is it possible that they will change that in the future?

So, why do we have a Virus Page in this Task?
If it does not work, why do we have it? ::slight_smile:

Nice feature with limited functionality?
hmm…sounds strange…
It has also “Loop scan” function, then why does it need if scan will not continue if virus was found?