Script Shield

SOS! AVAST! 6.0 free
The Script Shield can’t intercept all scripts executed on IE9 RC!
But IE8 can.

So what’s the question here ?

If use IE9,Script Shield can’t scan scripts on IE9.

That’s right. If you want script shield to work use IE8.

Not true.

Script Shield works on IE9 on my Windows 7 system. 8)

Works on my IE9 windows7 64 bit also… ;D

Odd :-[ - I’ve never seen any script shield activity on my w7 64bit system with IE9 (32 bit or 64 bit).

There is script shield activity associated with other programs with script activity (such as WMP) though. Is that definitely IE9 browsing ss activity on your w7 64bit system?

If so I’ll need to do a bit more digging I think ???.

Did you need to do anything to IE9 settings to get it to work?

Never work on my IE9 win7 32 bit


Works well on my XP Pro system as well.

nope, should work with IE9 too :wink:

So it seems - but it doesn’t work for me :(, (or a few others).

Repair hasn’t helped (and anyway, the script shield was working on other scripts). I’ll get around to trying a reinstall at some stage.

Ya it also don’t work for my firefox beta… ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

Please don’t double-post…!
Further ScriptShield is not designed to work with FF, this may change though.

The last script that Script Shield scanned on my x64 with using 4.0 Beta 12 was a Windows Scripting Host script generated by PSIA.exe which is the Secunia PSI Agent (software update advisor).

It also doesn’t work with Chrome. I use Chrome 100% of the time, and I’m now just wondering if the SS is just taking up RAM for me. Maybe I should uninstall the SS??

Since this thread is entitled “Script Shield” here is a link to an Avast White Paper on Avast 5 entitled “Blocking Internet Threats: The Avast Script Engine”.

If anyone has a link to a similar White Paper on Avast 6 could they please post it.

Thanks :slight_smile:

It isn’t just browser bases scripts that it scans.

If it wasn’t scanning anything, it would be dormant how could it be taking up RAM as the function is controlled by the avastSvc.exe its RAM use would be within the avastSvc.exe process which if you check is still relatively light. So uninstalling it I rather doubt would make any appreciable difference to RAM use.

I have firefox as my default browser (which currently isn’t supported), yet it is scanning scripts, which are outside of firefox.

I don’t think anyone official from Avast has clarified this yet, so could they please?

I’d be very disappointed if this shield only works with a certain browser. Further, if this is indeed the case, it should be clearly stated on the website or in the docs. It is not (that I could see).

It seems rather pointless to provide a protective shield if it fails to work for a good percentage of internet facing apps.

I don’t want to sound snarky, but I’m moving closer and closer to requesting a refund on the two licenses I purchased. The program seems unfinished, buggy, and with features not offering the level of protection one would expect.

Of course, if I’m way off base as far as script shield needing to work with all browsers is concerned, please correct me.

OK, point taken regarding the RAM ;D I have had avast6 installed since beta, and for over the entire time its been installed, my SS has scanned 0 scripts. Is that because Chrome is better somehow at blocking scripts, or is it simply because avast6 doesn’t support Chrome?

I will leave SS installed, but I’m just curious why it hasn’t at least scanned 1 script on my machine?

Try starting windows media player - any script shield response?