SE visitors redirects
Chain of redirects found:
to: htxp://
336 sites infected with redirects to this URL
to: htxp://
3333 sites infected with redirects to this URL
to: htxps://
336 sites infected with redirects to this URL
Missed completely here:
Quttera flags: ndex
Severity: Suspicious
Reason: Detected suspicious redirection to external web resources at HTTP level.
Details: Detected HTTP redirection to (and then to some vulgar site)
File size[byte]: 0
File type: Unknown
Page/File MD5: 00000000000000000000000000000000
Scan duration[sec]: 0.001000
And Sucuri knows thee cause: Web application details:
Google Analytics installed: UA-12443607-4
Outdated Web Server Apache Found: Apache/2.2.8
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