Search engine issues.

I use a search engine which is not on the “approved list”. This is because I refuse to use Google or its associates because I get far fewer results due to their enforcement of ridiculous rules and blocking of sites that they don’t agree with on a political level.

As a result, I keep getting the “disreputable search engine” warning when I launch my browser with no option to permanently ignore it or white list the search engine I use.

Is there some way to white list this search engine so I can browse in peace, without Avast causing disruption every time?

What browser and what search engine?

I’m not 100% sure about this but if you go to your specific Web Shield > Settings you should be able to add the search engine URL to its exclusions list.

Whether that alone will fix the problem I do not know but worth trying as a start.

The search engine I use is
This is also set as my home page.

It’s in my exceptions list but I still keep getting the prompt.

The just Web Shield > Exclusions list or the general AVAST Settings > Global Exclusions one?

Might be worth trying both.