Secureline 24hr trial?

So finally got secureline UI page to show properly,but how do i activate
the 24hr trial,the only options i can see just direct me to make a payment.


Sorry it is so new that relatively few have used it, I don’t even see a section for it in the avast program help (in avastUI > Support).

I have never felt the need for a VPN, so I don’t installed it.

Thanks for your reply.According to Avast secureline reviews they all
say Avast offers a 24hr trial.
Like i said in my op i am only directed to buy secureline and no mention
of a 24hr trial offer.
I know now that you personally don’t know anything about the software,
but can’t you get any information from your colleague’s or developers of
this software,and put me in touch with someone who is in the know.

I’m an avast user like yourself, I don’t work for avast.

Sorry i thought you were an employee.

Just discovered the UI for secureline is supposed to say “Start 24hr trial” mine
does’nt,all it says activate and give us your money now.

I had a 4 day free trial but didn’t really need Secureline so when the 4 days were up I didn’t purchase it.

So,after waiting a life time for a reply from support,i’ve basically
been told if you have’nt got the option for a 24hr free trial then
hard luck because there’s nothing we can do about it. >:(

Ask at: sales[at], they can provide a test license to you.

Took your advice and sent an email to informing them of
my plight,got a automated reply 2mins later saying"In order to better assist you we have implemented a new support/customer care system. We therefore kindly request that you visit avast! Customer and Technical Support and resubmit your question."
As a test a sent another email saying i think the world is going to end tomorrow at 2pm,
and they replied back with the same automated email.
So the bottom line is nobody answers your emails at sales.

Sorry to hear that. :frowning: