Secureline for Mac has never connected

First post on the Secureline for Mac forum - I guess it either works perfectly for absolutely everyone or no-one has used it yet. I am guessing the latter:

So I downloaded and purchased a license for Secureline for my MacBook Pro last summer. I also have their Mac Security 2015 antivirus installed. I have never managed to connect to a VPN in all that time. Always get the same error message that it can’t connect (screenshot below). There are no settings to fiddle with so not even sure how to troubleshoot. Have uninstalled and reinstalled and no difference.

I do have Secureline for my PC on the same network and it works just fine so I’m pretty sure the problem is not my ISP or network settings. Called their telephone support and it was utterly unhelpful. The agent basically just verified that I had a valid license and then tried to sell me their “Total support package” for $180 because her conclusion was: “there is something preventing if from connecting” - I think I could have told her that myself.

Edit: I added Secureline as a firewall exception - no luck. Turned off the firewall completely - still no luck.
System details: 2013 Retina Macbook OSX: 10.11.3
Out of curiosity, I downloaded the Secureline for iPhone: also don’t work.

Any ideas? Any input will be greatly appreciated.

SecureLine for Mac and for iOS are based on IPSec (contrary to Windows and Android versions that use OpenVPN). The Mac version uses the system-native Racoon daemon under the hood. From the screenshot it is visible that the Racoon tried to connect to the service but it failed.

To elaborate more, could you please generate a support package (Application menu->Help->Avast Technical Support->Generate support package) and create a support request (also from the menu)? This will be processed with a support knowing a Mac technical background. The support package contains sensitive data like a license ID and therefore should not be attached to this discussion.

Generally, the IPSec is more sensitive to packet loss (you can try to ping i.e. our Prague gateway from the Terminal) and also uses different ports (50, 51, 500, 4500) than OpenVPN that are blocked for example with certain Cisco routers as a default setting.

Best Regards,

P.S. This is the first post because the Mac SecureLine forum was separated from the Mac AV forum in a today’s program update :slight_smile:

Same issue. Ticket opened a week ago. No reply.

Mine has been doing the same since I bought the licence yesterday.
Avast helpline hopeless - kept saying I had to fix my router! The whole point of this is to use diferent routers all over the world with no one knowing where you are!
Please please can any one help!?

This is a 6 month old dead thread.
Things have changed.
Please start your own thread and provide details.