Am currently running SecureLine on Windows 7, but do not have the anti-virus installed… I use TechMirco.
I received notice that my SecureLine subscription would run out in a couple weeks, so went and bought a renewal license. Program is running fine under the old license.
I receive the email with the .avastvpn attachment. I click on attachment and it asks if I want to save it or open it. It opens in Word and notepad, but so what? I call tech support to ask about activating the license and am told the fact that when opening the attachment, the Avast SecureLine should automatically read the license and update. But it doesn’t. The program expiration still displays my close approaching date, although in the My Licenses in my on-line Avast account it says I have an active Avast Program which has a license. I talk with “Customer Support - Technical Questions” and they remote into my computer. The first-level tech cannot get anything to happen when that attachment is opened. So he says there must be something wrong with my computer and offers to get it clean and working of $120. I decline. I use my jv16 PwerToolsX and clean the registry. Still doesn’t work. I call the technician back to report that when I attempt to install the license I still get the “open or save” box and the license still won’t install. I call Tech Service right back and say I’m Ready! with a recently scanned and registry-cleaned machine and am hot to trot to go… but the attachments from Avast do not ‘activate’ the license install. The Tech says it is obviously still my system being corrupted and again offers to clean it for$120. WTF? I’m not interested in paying $120 for a "clean up session ’ It is my computers fault and they can fix it for $120. My gut tells me that is BS, but that’s why I’m asking for your suggestions on how to go about fixing things.