securité pour Asus Transformer FT201 Prime

je viens d’acheter un ASUS transformer FT201 Prime
que me conseillez vous comme logiciel sécurité? il fonctionne sur Android 4.

Sur mon asus bureau j’ai déjà le Avast internet security

Merci à Vous lire

le logiciel Avast mobile pour Android fonctionne en partie, pour ce qui est des actions à distance, par SMS, donc exclu pour une tablette … sinon le reste de la protection, AV, FW (root), bouclier web devraient fonctionner … sous toutes réserve. Je n’utilise pas Android, donc :-\

ps: faut poster en anglais dans cette section.

just a repost of my last post here, more or less: guys does Avast mobile security (remote actions via SMS being obviously excluded) run on Android tablets? … it should …


not officially, but it should run more or less fine, yes.


okay that’s what I thought, thanks for confirming :wink:

@OP okay donc ça doit marcher comme je vous l’ai dit, avec quelques restrictions.

le lien c’est ça

Thks a lot
I’ve read somewhere that you ( avast) are studying a solution for the tablet that are not 3 G, and using to revert to Avast in case by WI-FI

Is that right??

Pour Logos

Le logiciel n’est pas complètement installé puisqu’il faut l’autoriser à communiquer avec Avast via le 3 G , or comme cela n’est pas le cas, la config ne se termine pas
Bien dommage
alors attendons

ah oui effectivement c’est un peu bête … donc votre tablette n’est pas 3G… on peut brancher une clef 3G externe dessus?

ps: the OP just told me that the install won’t complete as 3G is being required to communicate with Avast in the end of the setup process … and well apparently his tablet doesn’t integrate a 3G chip. I suggested an external key, if doable.

Mobile Security shouldn’t require any Internet connection upon installation. Anti-Theft requires it since it downloads the installation package from our server, but Wi-Fi should be more than enough for that.


Thks a lot, another question
The firewall is not activated because I can’t activate the root by phone
What’s the wyr , if possible, to do it by WI-Fi obviously and directly with the FT 201 Prime?? and the virus ? is it activted for the updates??


yeah there was no reason why wifi shouldn’t work anyway.


not fully understand the questions, but will try to answer anyway :slight_smile:

If you have Wi-Fi, all the Internet-related stuff should work without a problem (actually better than with 3G), so Web Shield, automatic updates, everything.

The firewall can be activated on rooted devices only (a tablet in your case) so you would have to root it first, can’t be done in any other way, sorry.


I just gave the OP a link to a page explaining how to root an android device :wink:

Ye, the link name is kinda self-explanatory :slight_smile: Although I think the FT 201 Prime is kinda new device so I don’t know if the common rooting methods will work :slight_smile:


thing is I’ve been trying to help in this thread mainly because the OP posted in French, other than this I cannot really help as I’m on iOS ;D

I know, thanks for the translations :slight_smile:


Hello, I think -no-
the link is for smartphones…
which is completly different, as you know, of my FT201 without 3G


You will have to search for a specific root method for your tablet, possibly on
