Widely used Security Check (hxtp://screen317.spywareinfoforum.org/SecurityCheck.exe) has been blocked by Avast.
Email sent to virus@avast.com
Widely used Security Check (hxtp://screen317.spywareinfoforum.org/SecurityCheck.exe) has been blocked by Avast.
Email sent to virus@avast.com
Interesting, whilst the URL itself gets only a detection rating of 1/51 from VirusTotal, the downloaded file itself scores 5/48.
Regardless of whether it is a false positive or not, for safety sake you should edit your post to show the “http” as “Hxxp” so it isn’t accessed by accident from your post.
It’s a false positive. This software has been used over a lot on the Malwarebytes forum etc for security vulnerabilities.
Was it a detection by the Web Shield or on-access (evo gen or FS)?
Anyone working on infected computers is familiar with Security Check so I see no reason to edit anything.
It’s a safe tool and any engine at VirusTotal which sees it as a threat is wrong.
I see no reason to edit anything.
Replacing “http” in any posted URL with “hXXp” is simply a curtesy to other people reading the forum.
That would be the case if my link was malicious while it’s not.
it will be fixed in next stream update.
Thank you