So I was going through Virus Total logs and saw that at times Avast scans “Time Out” and are rendered useless, unable to defend the PC from my knowledge against a dangerous file. I see this as a major security issue if that leaves the victim’s PC vulnerable to attack from the malware, and competitor anti-virus software detects the malware and contains it.
I am not sure if this is a mistake on Virus Total’s part, but I think that if this is an issue Avast should solve it because the file I looked at was a dangerous Trojan Horse.
Is there anyone who knows what it means if a scan “Times Out”, and how to fix the issue?
So I was going through Virus Total logs and saw that at times Avast scans "Time Out"[b] and are rendered useless, unable to defend the PC from my knowledge against a dangerous file.[/b]
What happens at VT has nothing to do with what happens in your computer.
VT is just a place that display what engine detect what and share samples with all members
@ Skuarsky
Looking at your VT link doesn’t show Avast for Windows having timed out. The only thing avast related was Avast-Mobile and that didn’t time out “Unable to process file type” which is also different.
But as said, these are not the same as the actions on your system they are an on-demand scan engine located at VT.
By the time I checked your VT link the results were over 4 hours old, so I refreshed the scan and the Avast (for windows) scan was completed relatively quickly whilst other scans were spinning their wheels. But as Pondus said this is something you would have to take up with VT.
But it doesn’t change your point or mine it is something that only VT can address as they are specially crafted on-demand scanners on their servers/infrastructures.