Security vendors lost their sense of humour, or is the mankind just doomed

The bellow are the Virustotal check results for completely innocent PlaceboAV joke. Leaving the other misclassifications aside, one strikes me really. Fraudtool?! Looks like the mankind is absolutely doomed and deserves to extinct if someone buys this “product”. ??? ::slight_smile:

I suppose nobody wants to spend time on checking whether it’s a joke or a fake antivirus… the difference might be quite small.

You mean like this? ;D

yeah this was posted here already a few weeks ago, and many found the kaspersky joke unacceptable…(“you can’t make fun of reputed AV companies” etc…). I didn’t agree with this verdict, I for one found the joke really funny, and quite interesting :smiley:

You get 50 000 samples a day. You spend very modest 60 seconds on each sample. 3 000 000 seconds. Your virus analyst is able to work for 8 hours, no coffees or toilet visits. That 86060 = 28 800. 3 000 000 / 28 800 = 104 analysts. All of them have to be well educated in the field which is far from being popular and taught in schools. Or… you do the shortcuts. :stuck_out_tongue:

To be 100% hones, the number “60 seconds for sample” is totally made up. In fact, it’s usually much more (making the problem much worse), but it could be ‘helped’ by machines in some way. But, we’re back to ‘shortcuts’, you know…

Even more are reporting this as infected now.