Seit dem letzten update von avast antivirus bekomme ich von meiner firewall meldungen von icaraus.exe und avast installer


seit dem letzten update von free avast antivirus (version 24.10.6133 - build 24.10.9535.880)
bekomme ich mehrmals am tag meldungen von meiner firewall (keine avast firewall) das
icarus.exe und/oder avast installer um erlaubnis fragen.

ein oder zwei tage lang mag das noch aktzeptabel sein, langsam wird es aber eher nervig.

gibt es fuer das problem eine einfache und schnelle loesung?

wenn ja, dann bitte erleuchtet mich.


Please post here in English or find your own language section here: Non-English Boards - Avast Community

Read here: Malware analysis avg_driver_updater_online_setup.exe Malicious activity | ANY.RUN - Malware Sandbox Online and here:
Some qualify Icarus.exe as a PUP, others consider it adware
but as part of AV this could be a false positive.


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ok, in english, no prob.

since last free avast antivirus update (version 24.10.6133 - build 24.10.9535.880) i keep getting
messages from my firewall (not a avast firewall). the messages appear multiple times a day
and they are about that icarus.exe and/or avast installer want internet access.

one or two days of the messages might be ok, but with the time its getting on ones nerves.

is there a simple and fast solution to the problem?

if so, please illuminate me.



In addition to the problem you mentioned, I have another one that has been bothering me for a few days and is caused by Avast.

But to get back to the problem:
I have exactly the same problem.

Icarus exe keeps telling me that it wants to go online.

It doesn’t matter whether I allow it or block it. It keeps telling me.

It would be important to me if Avast gave me the option to temporarily deactivate or uninstall Icarus exe.

Best regards


ok, as i can see there is no help to get here concerning my problem.

is there a way to contact avast support directly to solve this issue?

been using avast antivirus for the past 16 years without any problems but this issue now
is absolutely inacceptable.
so, before i uninstall avast antivirus i would like to give the support a chance to solve the


@Puck @mambi which version of Windows are you running?
Have either of you tried doing Repair of Avast or installing the previous version (with avast program updates disabled)?

I am aware Puck has also posted about the problem here: For a week or so, the firewall asks everytime if icarus.exe can connect even an allowed rule is set - #5 by Puck

I wonder if staff member @lukas.hasik can be alerted to this issue by Moderators etc.

with me the problem happens on windows 10 home 22h2 and windows 11 pro 23h2.

yes, i tried the repair function with no result.

yes, i set the allowed rule too on my firewall, but still icarus.exe and avast installer keep asking
for allowence.

no, i haven’t tried installing the previous version of avast, couldn’t find it.

the whole thing is just very annoying.

all i can say is that with all the false positives lately and now this issue avast is getting to a
point where i’m getting very unhappy with avast and ask myself if i shouldn’t uninstall avast after
17 years of no problem use.

as i said earlier, a direct link to avast support would be great.

since Puck reports the same problem i assume lots of others have the same issue, just not
reporting it.
i think this is something support or the dev’s should be looking at.

a solution needs to be found.


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unfortunately i have to see that there is no help to find here.

not even a link to avast support can be offered.

i still face this darn problem and i am more than unhappy.

anyway, since there’s no solution offered its bye bye avast.

i was hoping to get some help here, but that seems to be a brave wish.

uninstalling avast is obviously the only solution to be found.

well, so be it.

If you do uninstall Avast, do use the avastclear.exe uninstaller for completeness.

Hallo! Ich weiß nicht ob es hilft aber 

  1. Avast bringt mindestens 2 stationĂ€re Versionen der Icarus.Exe mit. Diese kann man auch in einer Firewall (die auf der Windows Firewall basiert) fĂŒr den Zugang ins Internet freischalten. Kein Prob soweit.

*info: Alle mir bekannten Firewall`s die auf der Windows eingenen Firewall “aufsetzen” arbeiten Pfad/Dateiname basierend.

  1. Da Icarus Exe aber bei seiner AusfĂŒhrung immer wieder eine neue temporĂ€re Kopie von sich selbst erstellt (und damit den Pfad der Icarus Anwendung zufĂ€llig! Ă€ndert & sich nach Nutzung auch wieder löscht) bekommt man bei jeder Benutzung der Icarus Exe einen neuen Alarm der Firewall.

*info: natĂŒrlich benutzt Du nicht selber die Icarus.Exe - Avast Antivirus nutzt sie um damit ?Virus Definitionen / Updates? herunter zu laden.

  1. Dieses Verhalten der Firewall kann man leider nicht ausschalten, da alle Firewalls die auf der Windows eigenen FW nur aufsetzen keine “wildcards” verarbeiten ( also keine * und auch kein ? als Beispiel) -sonst wĂ€re es kein Problem Icarus zum schweigen zu bringen.

  2. Ich sehe 3 mögliche Lösungen:

A: Avast FIXed dieses Verhalten seiner Icarus EXE (es sollten nun KLAR sein WO genau das nervende Problem liegt)

B: Deinstallation von Avast Antivirus.

C: Nutzung einer “echten” FW die nicht auch der von Windows aufsetzt.

Ich hoffe ich konnte etwas weiterhelfen.

A: Goggle “microsoft windows firewall path wildcards”
B: Windows Firewall rules | Microsoft Learn

In english:

Hi, I don’t know if it helps but 

  1. avast comes with at least 2 stationary versions of the Icarus.Exe. These can also be activated in a firewall (which is based on the Windows firewall) for access to the internet. No problem so far.

*info: All firewalls known to me that are ‘based’ on the Windows firewall work path/filename based.

  1. because Icarus Exe always creates a new temporary copy of itself when it runs (and thus changes the path of the Icarus application randomly! & it deletes itself after use) you get a new alarm from the firewall every time you use Icarus Exe.

*info: of course you do not use the Icarus.exe yourself - Avast Antivirus uses it to download ?virus definitions / updates?.

  1. unfortunately this behaviour of the firewall cannot be switched off, because all firewalls that are based on Windows’ own FW do not process “wildcards” (i.e. no * and also no ? for example) - otherwise it would be no problem to silence Icarus.

  2. i see 3 possible solutions:

A: Avast FIXed this behaviour of its Icarus EXE (it should now be CLEAR WHERE exactly the annoying problem lies)

B: Uninstall Avast Antivirus.

C: Use a ‘real’ FW that is not based on the Windows one.

I hope I could help you a bit.

A: Goggle ‘microsoft windows firewall path wildcards’
B: Windows Firewall rules | Microsoft Learn

Sry dbl post