sending e-mail

I have just downloaded Avast free edition on my PC, when i try to send emails i get an error message stating that my server does not support an SSL connection, what can i do to correct this problem? There is no problem receiving emails. Thank’s for any help you can give me.

What is your ISP ?
What is your email program ?
Does your ISP insist on SSL/TLS for email ?
If so what ports does it say to use for, POP3 and SMTP (check your email program account settings, Server, fore these ports) ?

SMTP 25 This server requires secure connection (SSL) box is checked.
POP3 995 " " " " " " " " "

The problem arises from using the regular SMTP port 25 for SSL traffic, avast is expecting standard SMTP traffic and not secure traffic and is unable to deal with the hand off to secure usage.

Your POP3 port is using a correct secure port instead of the standard POP3 port 110. I would have thought that the SMTP would also have been using a port associated with SSL/TLS traffic, see below.

Secure Ports POP3 995; SMTP Ports, Thunderbird-587 - Outlook/Express-465.
You could try these SMTP ports depending on your email client.

avast can’t scan SSL/TLS secure traffic without a third party program like STunnel and you may have noticed that your POP3 email isn’t being scanned but also isn’t intercepted and can be downloaded.

You didn’t answer questions 1 or 2.

Sorry about that.
My ISP provider is Bell Sympatico &the email program is Outlook Express .

You need to check if you can use port 465 for SMTP, if not and you ‘must’ use port 25 then you are going to have to disable outbound scanning. Or disable the Use SSL, see image (ports are relative only to my email account not yours), assuming you can still use normal email.

I have tried port 465 but doesn’t change a thing, i have tried disabling the SSL connection & still the same problem. What will happen if i disable the outbound scanning feature? Will i send a virus or something to some of my friends?

Most probably not because Standard Shield will caught it.
You can disable it. But it would be better if we can solve it. I send emails with SSL and avast scans them (using Stunnel).

Well changing to port 465 should change something, avast won’t be scanning it as it only scans ports 25, 110, 19, 143.

By changing to port 465 it shows that your ISP is apparently misusing port 25 for secure traffic. If it were using another port, 465 or 587 or any other port then using something Like STunnel would be possible. You really need to check out your ISP’s email set-up FAQ, etc and see if there is an alternative to using port 25, we can make suggestions but if they arent supported it is a waste of time trying.

I don’t know if the STunnel program works with smtp port 25 or not but here are some Topics that might help.

Stunnel now comes as an installer which installs Open SSL and Stunnel so now you just have to download the installer version from here
Redirecting multiple SSL accounts
Gmail and Avast Providers
Solution: Using GMail with Avast and a SPAM filter

It’s a pity that we lost the battle… but, anyway, don’t worry that much about outbound scanning.

We win some & loose some i guess. Thank’s a million for your help, i will check back periodically to see if there are any other suggestions on this matter, again, thank you.