Sending emails ending in about.php all of a sudden

All of a sudden, my Comcast email account, which I access through IE, has started sending out emails to people with links going to various sites, all ending in about.php, such as: p p p p

I broke the links when I quoted them here by putting a space in the end.

Any ideas? Am I infected or could it be something else? Avast doesn’t find anything when I scan.

A better way to break the links is to change the http to hxxp as the above links are still clickable, although they end up at a 404 page not found error.

hxxp:// p

Looks like your Comcast email account has been compromised, try changing your password to one that is more secure, at least 8 characters and a combination of upper, lower case and numeric characters. Check and see if there is anything on the Comcast support about this.