serious flaw in 4.8???

Hi all. I’m kinda new here.

I’m a huge fan of avast!.

But it seems like new version has lots of problems.

Several guys show their great effort to support the user.

seems like overloaded.

Since 4.8 was realeased, there have been approximately tripple postings here in the forum compared to 4.7 era.

All things started after 4.8 came out.

I really worry about the great reputation of avast! fallen down.

Everything should be fixed as soon as possible as all here in the forum want.

Keep working hard!

Yea even my self having some problem with avast on my computer this few days. But i tried to fix the problem my self.

There are always some more issues when there is a significant change made in an avast upgrade.

You should have been around here when we had real problems.

The “But it seems like new version has lots of problems” is a large over statement as there may be many who are experiencing problems, there are very more who have experienced no problems.

If this were a huge issue, then you really would see this forum light up.

Many of the issues (none that you mention or if you are experiencing any) have been resolved or partially resolved in the beta build that is currently running and the re-engineered files that some are testing outside of the beta program.

So things are moving along at what I would say is a reasonable pace, and the levels of posts have subsided.

Hi SFJaon

Without dismissing the seriousness of the problems experienced by those experiencing problems :), I have and know of many XP PCs with avast! 4.8 and none are currently exhibiting bad behaviour. The 1178 beta seems to be as stable as an official release.

I think this is not due to avast problems but the users of the forums grow up a lot.
People is more active and more present at the forum.
I don’t think avast reputation has fallen down, on contrary.

[quote]I don’t think avast reputation has fallen down, on contrary.[quote]

Exactly, Avast has improved a lot on latest test (AV-Comparative for exemple) and it’s
reputation has been growing.