Scan disk:Right click the “C” drive under “my computer”, select “properties>tools” then error checking. (The “defragment” option should be just below that.
Schedule an error check. Have it automatically repair errors. Reboot. Takes a while.
Nvm stil alot of windows explorer crashes. But i can do that.
One serious crash with windows explorer when i had no windows open other then firefox. Locked up computer. forze.
I did the error check (but i didn’t check eithe rof the 2 boxes it prompted me too) and then after a while it says everything was normal.
for Christ’s sake now right click again on drive C:, go to tools, click on check and check the two boxes, you will be prompted to schedule a scan, say yes, and reboot, this will take a while, but just do it.
Definetly Malware related. I can’t run windows update properly. It says i need administrator account but I am administrator!
Okay im trying Dr.web curit but since a barley put any data on this computer, im thinking of just reformatting the o.s. My manufacturer toshiba has a program called recovery disc creator, i need some blank dvds, will that work?
I’m not sure, but I think you would have needed to make the recovery disks before problems occurred. (Always the way, isn’t it?)
Why not wait and see what the good Dr says? If this is malware related, DrWeb will hopefully reveal what it is.
Does system restore work?
Thought of using a BART disk?
Haven’t done system restore. express scan for Dr.web is clean. BTW, i ran PC diagnostic supplied from Toshiba and its clean, BTW windows explorer didn’t crash when i started the comp without being connected to internet.
I don’t think dr.web came up clan, can i find a log or quartine somwhere?
From memory, DrWeb’s log is in the documents and settings>(your username)>application data folder, but a long time since I used it.
There should be a configuration options button on Cureit, somewhere, find out what the default report folder is, go have a look.
Yes, although not instantly but gradually…in every 5 mins…i think^^
But now its back to normal^^
Well im pretty sre it was a clean scan now but… No crashes when I boot the comp disconnected from internet???