
I can only get 6 of the 7 services running. The outlook/exchange service says it is waiting for a subsytem to start. Any suggestions?

That is normal. Outlook/exchange will only run if you are using Microsoft outlook or exchange.

I do use outlook for my email. The service used to work. I had to re-install outlook due to an email issue. Since the re-install that service won’t run.

Hmmm try opening outlook. After the program is running it still says 6 Providers running?

That would be correct. Prior to the outlook re-install, when I opened outlook the “avast” logo would show up in outlook. It no longer does that since the service isn’t running.

Strange… i don’t use outlook so i really don’t know what the problem here is.

Make sure the avast plug-in/add-in is not disabled in MS Outlook:
Outlook 2007 > Tools > Trust center > Add-ins > Manage Disabled items.
Outlook 2003 > Help > About > Disabled items
Outlook 2000 > Tools menu > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Add-In Manager.

Thanks. That was the ticket. Problem resolved.

No problem, glad I could help.

A belated welcome to the forums.