Hi All. I am new to this forum but not new to the forum format. I just purchased Avast Pro Version 4.8. How do I enable the boot scan? Doe the program enable this automatically before windows begins? I am unable to enable it from the user interface. It is greyed out. I did do a scan and caught two bugs in my system. They are now serving time in the chest.
Very Well I understand. I actually thought I was going to get that function when I got the program but that’s OK. Will the other boot scan conflict with Avast…perhaps the avira one?
I guess what I’m wondering is when I scan a file with Avast it doesn’t let me know the results of the scan. When I had AVG it would display the scan results when I was done checking the file. Hey is the Web Shield Avast’s version of a firewall? I know stupid question but every other program I have used calls it s firewall not a shield…Duh…LOL
if you see no results of a file scan then it means it found nothing. but you can enable it in the settings to show the results of the explorer scan. just see page number 88 in the avast user guide, I use the home edition so I don’t know the exact steps.
Network shield - not actually a firewall but blocks access to malicious sites which is in the avast! black list, it is recommended to use a two way firewall if you are on windows xp.
That’s awesome thanks. So I now need a firewall. I thought I would get all that when I got this program. Can I get a firewall from Avast that will work with the other programs efficiently? Thanks for the guide. As for the scans it’s good that it will only display when something is found.
I assume you mean a context menu scan, a.k.a. quick scan, this by its nature is a quick scan to allow the user to get on with what they were doing and by default doesn’t display results. If however the file is infected all hell will break loose in the form of an audible and visual alert, so you will know.
To change the default settings - right click the avast ‘a’ icon, Program Settings, Common section, Show Explorer Extension Results.
Wonderful…thanks. I was checking for a Firewall used by Avast to no Avail. I may have to use another program but I want it to blend with Avast. I don’t want the two programs to not get along so-to-speak.
I was checking for a reliable firewall and came across Online Armour. It’s suppose to be great and You can get it for free. Might try that. Any user experience with a reliable Firewall to use with Avast?
the free firewall which I use with avast is pc tools firewall plus, you can try it. or search around the forum a bit, you will find many topics regarding firewalls, make sure it is not an outdated topic(hint : search in the general topics forum, you will get better results.).
PC Tools Firewall seems to have the least user headaches as it doesn’t seem to be constantly asking the user questions about this and that.
Online Armor for the most parts fine but it has caused some users grief after avast program updates and that is something you have to watch out for.
Comodo is now a suite and you have to do a custom install so as not to install the antivirus element (or use the add remove programs to remove the AV element if already installed), of all the firewalls listed this seems to be the noisiest in asking questions, depending on settings and elements used (Defense+), so it could be daunting for those not to familiar with firewalls or their systems.
The Program Settings should be the same in the Pro version as it is outside of the Enhanced User Interface, so those areas should be common to both versions.