This morning after dialing in my FF browser failed to load my start page or any other pages. I tried using IE browser and watched what was being scanned by Avast. I noticed a number of “downloads” from Avast that were being scanned. My start page only partially loaded the first time and then failed to load at all thereafter.
I disconnected and found another DIAL-UP PROMPT FROM AVAST asking to CONNECT TO DOWNLOAD 846.AVAST.COM.
I dialed back in using FF browser again and this time my start page did successfully load.
It appears that Avast is now “downloading” files and if there are problems it causes my connection to slow to a crawl and finally stop in which case I have to disconnect and I get a prompt from Avast to connect for a “download” which in this case solved the problems I was having.
I’ve been getting a lot of requests to connect from avast for “” but I think this may be the first time I’ve noticed the connection request for “”. Most of the traffic was on the Network Shield which was showing some of these Avast download scans.
Btw, I’ve received another request from Avast to update the virus definition file which fails to update each time I’ve requested Avast to do so. The progress scan bar advances very little and then stops. This time I had a “connection not established” error presumably because I disconnected when nothing was working the first time I dialed in.
I haven’t received any help about returning to an Avast 6 version yet.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN: On the “Current Status” page I have a message that says: “Not connected with any Avast Account”. When I click on the link to “connect” it says “retrieving information” but nothing happens or changes. WHAT IS THE MESSAGE MEAN: “Not connected with any Avast Account”?
I have another couple of questions:
- Is there any way to TURN OFF Avast as far as all of these “downloads” it needs?
- Is there a place where I can find “known issues” in as much as I’d like to know if these issues are going to be addresses ASAP?
Thanks again in advance.
Addendum: I tried updating the Virus Definitions file (VPS files) and it was successful this time (attached file).
This took 11 minutes if I recall because of using DIAL-UP.
I’m thinking that with all of the Avast “DOWNLOADS” that are occurring this could be a problem with DAIL-UP USERS because of the potential for “partial” or “interrupted” downloads that would occur because the DIAL-UP CONNECTION by it’s very nature will NOT always be CONNECTED.
Is it possible that these inevitable “partial downloads” that would inherently occur using DIAL-UP could be CAUSING THE ISSUES OF SLOWING DOWN INTERNET TRAFFIC, FREEZING AND LOCKING UP AT TIMES?
If a “download” has to occur and is CRITICAL to Avast then perhaps a prompt message should be given to a DIAL-UP user if in the event a DIAL-UP DISCONNECT interrupts an “Avast DOWNLOAD” that would tell the user to REMAIN CONNECTED until the “Avast DOWNLOAD” finished (perhaps another prompt message could be displayed when it is finished in these cases). Just a thought.