Suddenly today 05-16-2018 SetupInf.exe and RegSvr.exe for the first time both identifying themselves as Avast Antivirus Installer both try to connect to the internet.
Program Files\Avast\setup\instup.exe has always been Avast Antivirus Installer. Are SetupInf.exe and RegSvr.exe new Avast processes or did something else place them?
Program Files\Avast\SetupInf.exe
Program Files\Avast\RegSvr.exe
now another new program has started running: wsc_proxy.exe Avast Remediation Service. Can anybody tell me if these are legitimate Avast processes or if my Avast software has been compromised?
Legit, they run during program update, it’s just that they usually don’t run unless something else is wrong with your install.
Maybe you got a failed program update before noticing them. Or maybe something has changed with the last version, because during my update to it i noticed a new exe, something designed to stop a pc shutdown.
Azraelbuc thanks for the info. It would be nice if Avast had a list of processes for the current version and previous revisions of Avast so no one would have to wonder about the legitimacy of new processes that start running randomly.