Share threat data with Avast (Community IQ)

Just wondering how many of you tick the box to, share threat data with Avast (Community IQ).

If you choose not to, why not?

Asking after reading an article on Avast selling user info.

Personally I have always kept his boxed ticked, but made sure the sharing of app usage data to improve the product and offer promotions were unchecked.

In short, on all installations, as it helps the whole Avast community to stay secure…!! 8)

I have always left that enabled.

A very old article no doubt.

Any data shared in that option would be specific to the threat/alert, etc.

Yes I’ve always kept that box checked for the reasons Asyn stated :slight_smile:

I always keep that box checked, because it helps avast.


As far as I know this setting is needed for CyberCapture to work as well.

Greetz, Red.

Me too the same as David


Avast users help each other by having the Community IQ option ticked, so I make my contribution by enabling the option on my devices.

CommunityIQ is “classic” cloud protection system. Most antiviruses today rely on their own version of it. You can disable everything else under Privacy tab, but it’s recommended to keep CommunityIQ enabled for maximum protection.