Sheilds Activity

Real Time Data and Web Shield aren’t showing much activity. Should I do a repair? Shields activity used to go higher than 1.

Does it say you aren’t protected ???
You seem to worry about unneeded items.

If you spend most of your time browsing the Web Shield will be doing the lions share of the work.

The real problem is that the Web Shield activity is so great when compared to the other two, that in the scaled display they look minuscule.


I does show that I’m protected but when I click on shields control all shields are on is greyed out

Where are you clicking on Shield Control ?

As far as I’m aware Avast Shield Control is on the avast tray icon’s right click menu and isn’t actually telling you of the status - more so allowing you to disable them and enable them.

So the ‘All shields are on’ text greyed out is telling you they are on (so the option is disabled, not the shields), only when you disable a shield/s will that text change and allow you to ‘Enable all shields’

After all this time and you haven’t seen this before ?

I’m right clicking on the avast tray icon and that’s showing all shields are on but the text is greyed out.

Of course I’ve seen this before.

Which I have addressed in my post, this is the natural condition, unless you have disabled a shield/s in which case you get a different text and it is ‘active’ not greyed out ‘inactive’ as my images show.

Which unneeded items?

Sorry not phrased correctly. Should have said you are worried about things when there isn’t anything to worry about.