Show Last PopUp Msg Unavailable through Avast Icon right click on notif. area

Hi Everyone!

I would like to ask if “Show Last Pop-Up Message” have return on Avast Version: 17.8.2318?

They are no popups,(all kinds of popup by Avast) shown, although it shows sometimes but most of the time it wouldn’t show it. This is damn annoying especially when I visit infected websites( and others like, CyberCapture captured something, No scan results), but no information for me to check out(No I’m not infected since avast blocked the connection) at my Avast Version: 17.7.2314( build number 17.7.3660.244 )

I would like to ask other questions:

1.If Avast Team would bring back those Statistics[File Shield( all different subsets of it, before avast team decided to combine it all to File Shield) history, scan logs in the UI not those darn text files, Web Shield history(all different subsets of it, before avast team decided to combine it all to Web Shield) history, and all other personal and security information history that avast presented to us a very long time ago] features that they damn removed when their Avast UI were the best along those past years especially from version 7-8 or 9 also I think? ( I would love to get those features and benefits back after they forcefully removed it from us )

2.How about bringing back Avast Virus Database has been updated(voice over)?

Yeah Avast Team explained the reason why they removed it because it’s not technically correct, then changed it to" a", vast virus database has been updated (like there’s a large of virus definitions that has been updated, to differentiate it from avast streaming update.)

  1. Can’t install other languages offline through avast settings.
    Does the Avast Team already addressed this in their future builds?

System Configuration:
Windows 7 Ultimate freshly system image restored:
I’m not infected with whatsoever virus or malware out there see the reason above this line.
Avast Version: 17.7.2314( build number 17.7.3660.244 )

PS: I don’t want to upgrade to Avast Version: 17.8.2318, since a lot of forum users here are reporting that it contains multiple bugs that haven’t yet addressed by
Avast Team.
Sorry for the use of the word of damn, I would just like to emphasize the annoying decisions that Avast Team has done, no pun intended, peace. :slight_smile:

  1. The show last popup message will not be returning.

  2. The statistics are being planned to bring back for a while now but always get pushed back. They won’t be back any time soon because of other priorities.

  3. The virus database sound will not be coming back. Avast now do constant streaming updates and they believe it would mislead the average user that the database updates only 1-2 times a day when it’s actually a lot more.

Specify the bugs in 17.8 which would affect the program performance/functionality?

Yet more useful functions are removed from avast without any apparent reason. Why not work on the revised function and leave the old until the new is ready to go live.

Whilst avast promised to improve the tray icon context menu to give easier access to UI areas, it seems their idea of revision is removal.

Thanks for replying I was more enlightened about the current issues and removal of features that makes Avast AV useful, though it’s quite disappointing to see that what makes this AV stand above the crowd aren’t the same anymore. They become one of the crowd already.

That’s quite sad to hear and understand but thank you for the clarification on what Avast Team “idea of revision is removal” I do hope that they can make this AV stand out again above the crowd

Remember I’m not speaking for avast, I’m just an avast user like yourself. I just get very disappointed when things get removed for no apparent reason, especially when I can’t see it as a benefit.

Yeah I do understand (just like what you have said) your sentiment as your fellow avast user,
I just noticed that through the past years that I experienced using avast AV they removed things that makes their product useful without any valid reason (removing features that are useful for everyone of us). I really miss those years reminiscing back what makes this av great for years has been removed through this time.