Shutdown question Windows XP


I have searched the forum to find any info on my shutdown issue in combination with Windows XP, but could only find some troubleshooting on Windows 98 (SE). Sorry, if I didn’t search thourough enough…

I use Avast Antivirus Free edition and I’m very happy with it! But, on my Windows XP SP1 it occurs that when I shutdown Windows, only Avast is set to in-active (red cross through avast logo in the taskbar). Then I must shutdown again and the PC will shutdown.

Is this a common issue? I’d rather like to shutdown all at once… Is this a Windows issue or a Avast issue. I couldn’t find any option to change this situation…

Any help??
Thank you very much!!


Before choosing shutdown, write down the applications and processes that are running in taskmanager. The red cross in Avast’s ball indicates that Avast was shutdown properly, so it looks like something else is causing the problem. After you have selected shutdown for the first time, check taskmanager to see what is still running. One of them is likely causing the problem. Compare it with the list. Use google to find out what each process is, kill one of them manually, then try to shutdown the system. This way you can see what is causing it and from there work to a solution. Also check your system and event log files to look for errors.

I think Eddy is correct. But, sometimes, even when avast shut down correctly, ashServ.exe will be shown in the Task Manager. No matters about this. Protect the startup and shutdown of windows is one of the complicated things for any antivirus due to Windows undeterministic conduct (order, sequence of shutdown, etc.).

Can you update to SP2?
Did you apply all Windows Updates? Like with 98, XP had some patches to correct shutdown process… :-\