Shutting down Avast?

How can I shut down Avast completely? If I use the “Stop On-Access Protection and Exit” menu item on the systray icon, the program still searches for updates. This upsets some games. Avast doesn’t even show in the ctrl-alt-del list, there’s no way of knowing whether it’s on or not!

Also, every time I use that Exit command, during the next start-up of the computer Windows does some updating (I can’t translate the message from Finnish). How to avoid this?

(I can’t translate the message from Finnish)

jaahas…mitäs se sanoo suomeks?

and…you can shutdown that avast if you use taskmanager…then play some games and it wont interfere your games…

If you’re running Windows NT/2000/XP, you can use the Services applet in Control Panel → Administrative Tools.

Stoping the ‘avast antivirus’ service will efectively disable all avast functional components.

Öh… Asennus päivittää kokoonpanotiedostoja, tai jotain.

I’m not sure what taskmanager is (damn this Finnish Windows), but if you mean the one accessed by ctrl-alt-del, no, Avast never shows up in the list. Except perhaps when the actual program is running, not the On-access scanner.

Sorry, I forgot to mention I have Win 98.

Key Features
Microsoft Task Manager user interface
CPU and memory usage and history chart
Information about every running process
Set your application window to always be “On Top”
Complete process operation
Super Task functions, including “Computer Lock”, “Fast Control” and more

then just find all avast files what are currenty running…and disable those

perhaps you should really update your wintoosa 98 to XP or 2000

–Also, every time I use that Exit command, during the next start-up of the computer Windows does some updating (I can’t translate the message from Finnish). How to avoid this?–

siis sun wintoosa koittaa updeittaa itteensä vai Avast?
…koita uninstalloida avast ja paa se uudestaa…tai ota ruksi pois sieltä missä on automatic update,sun pitää käynnistää se
avast antivirus ja sit sieltä missä lukee automatic update,paina hiiren oikeetä näppylää ja pääset options valikkoon…sieltä sit settings valikkoon.

ja sit kans käys ja imuroi uusimmat päivitykset koneesees:P