Sidebar behemoth

I have found reference that it has been discussed before, however I can’t find the fix. How do I get rid of this monster taking up over 1/3 of my sidebar?

You can put it small. (see attachs)

If you still don’t like the way it looks and want to remove it, go to Control Panel > Programs > double tap on avast! > Click on “Change” > Untick avast! gadget and follow instructions.

Hi Silk0 :slight_smile:

I don’t seem to have that [ Make It Small ] button on my gadget :cry:

Is that feature only available fro windows 7 users?
I’m using… Vista :-\




Which version of avast! ( are you using?
I don’t think that the resize of gadget is only a Windows 7 feature. It should be available for Vista, also.

Hi Silk0 :slight_smile:

Avast 6.0.1000 Free

Re: Make Small Button
Defo NOT on my Avast Gadget :cry:


Yeah, I’ve noticed that too Hally, among other things, I have no minimise button either…(vista 32)
I do have it on win 7 though…

I can confirm that in Vista there is no any “make-it-small” button for the sidebar gadget. To get rid of it I had to reinstall Avast 6 from the scratch and to uncheck the gadget’s installation option.

Something I have noticed, you can’t resize any sidebar gadgets in vista (least I can’t) they only change size when they are pulled off the side bar, then they get bigger…

Hispg SCOTT - & - George Yves :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting me know :wink:

Now starting to Think… The Gadgets Got To Go! ::slight_smile:
Can’t be doing with something that big on my Sidebar.



I solved all my problems with Vista by getting Windows 7. :wink:

Kudo’s to you Silk0! Voila, it’s gone YEAH!!!
Thank you, you’re my hero

You’re welcome.

hello everybody. i update to avast free 6.0.1000 and everything works fine but i dont have sidebar. i have windows xp. thanks a lot for your help and have a nice weekend. ???

XP has no sidebar functionality, hence you won’t have any gadget, not even the Avast one. Already been answered multiple times here.

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Sorry no sidebars in XP.

be nice if there was a turn off button added too the toolbar as option like shutdown logoff restart :slight_smile:

I prefer System Control gadget: