Silent Mode not silent

I have Avast Home and Avast Pro running on two different computers. Both have the latest version (eg. 4.7.942 on the machine running Avast! Professional) and both are set to “silent mode” on the “Advanced” tab on the On-Access Scanner settings screen for the Outlook/Exchange provider. However, if Avast! detects a virus in an incoming email it pops up the alert and waits for a response, which of course causes Outlook to stop processing incoming mail.

I’m running Outlook 2003 on both computers. I was experiencing this problem with an earlier version and upgraded because the revision history suggested that this problem was fixed but it doesn’t appear to be in my case.

Any ideas?


Michael Brock

I don’t use Outlook, but would it not be better to set the Inbound Mail tab, action to ‘move it to the following folder’ and create a suspect/infected folder to contain those. I don’t know if that would

Looking at the Silent mode it sends it to the chest, which is almost the same as deleting it as I doubt avast can neatly insert (if you wanted to restore it) the email into the .pst file so it is effectively lost to you. Interestingly there isn’t anything about silent mode in the avast help file, resident protection, outlook/exchange, advaced page info.

What exactly did the warning say? Was it really a virus report, or rather a “suspicious message” from e-mail heuristics? The later has its own “silent mode” settings - in heuristics configuration.

I think you’re on to something. It is the “suspicious message” warnings that I started getting. I found the silent mode setting under heuristics and I’ll give that a try.


Michael Brock