im trying to do a .bat with silent uninstall. I found some lack of info for the aswclear.exe uninstaller. This is what im doing.
- Stoppìng services:
net stop “avast! Antivirus” /yes
net stop “avast! iAVS4 Control Service” /yes
net stop “avast! NetAgent” /yes
net stop “avast! WebScanner” /yes
- launch remove tool
c:\aswclear.exe /silent /prod
Now, the question is … what is my product? If i launch the remove tool without switches, i can see it is detected as Managed Client. Well, this is the help for the remove command:
;You can download our aswclear.exe, avast! uninstall utility, which will remove it. Utility does accept following command line switches:
;/silent - no gui, but displays error messages, asks for reboot at end
;/verysilent - no gui, no message boxes, doesn’t reboot
;/noreboot - don’t reboot after uninstall
;/prod “product_code” - select product to uninstall:
; “av_pro” - avast! 4 Home/Professional
; “av_srv” - avast! 4 Server Edition
; “bart” - BART CD Manager
; “av_ker” - avast! for Kerio
; “av_pda” - avast! PDA Edition
; “av_32” - avast! 32
; “av_net” - avast! Network client
; “av_mgm” - avast! Distributed Network Manager
so, where is “Managed Client” product code? I try to launch with all the options, and nothing. Maybe im wrong this something. This is what i try:
#aswclear.exe /prod “av_mgm”
#aswclear.exe /silent /prod “av_mgm”
etc…I try all the switches, but allwais show the removal window. As i can understand, /silent /prod “your_product” will remove all and reboot.
Any ideas?