silent uninstall


im trying to do a .bat with silent uninstall. I found some lack of info for the aswclear.exe uninstaller. This is what im doing.

  • Stoppìng services:

net stop “avast! Antivirus” /yes
net stop “avast! iAVS4 Control Service” /yes
net stop “avast! NetAgent” /yes
net stop “avast! WebScanner” /yes

  • launch remove tool

c:\aswclear.exe /silent /prod

Now, the question is … what is my product? If i launch the remove tool without switches, i can see it is detected as Managed Client. Well, this is the help for the remove command:

;You can download our aswclear.exe, avast! uninstall utility, which will remove it. Utility does accept following command line switches:
;/silent - no gui, but displays error messages, asks for reboot at end
;/verysilent - no gui, no message boxes, doesn’t reboot
;/noreboot - don’t reboot after uninstall
;/prod “product_code” - select product to uninstall:
; “av_pro” - avast! 4 Home/Professional
; “av_srv” - avast! 4 Server Edition
; “bart” - BART CD Manager
; “av_ker” - avast! for Kerio
; “av_pda” - avast! PDA Edition
; “av_32” - avast! 32
; “av_net” - avast! Network client
; “av_mgm” - avast! Distributed Network Manager

so, where is “Managed Client” product code? I try to launch with all the options, and nothing. Maybe im wrong this something. This is what i try:

#aswclear.exe /prod “av_mgm”


#aswclear.exe /silent /prod “av_mgm”

etc…I try all the switches, but allwais show the removal window. As i can understand, /silent /prod “your_product” will remove all and reboot.

Any ideas?

The managed client (NetClient) is av_net.
Btw, can’t you simply run an uninstallation task from ADNM?


we dont have ADNM :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW, there is any way to do the same with the uninstaller?

I am not completely sure - but I think that if the self-defence module is enabled on the clients, it’s not possible to silently uninstall them (without ADNM).


i read about this on the forum. But, if i disable all the services… i think self-defence will be disabled.

I try with “av_net”, but i get the same. Allwais get the same interface like the normal execution of the command…

well. It works. The reboot part didnt work. It removes avast, but didnt reboot windows or prompt to do it. Now im looking for a console reboot of the pc.

If the self-defence were enabled, you wouldn’t be able to stop the service in the first place.
However, maybe it’s disabled - unless you enable it manually.