simple user interface screen

Ticking the box at the bottom of the simple user interface window to stop the screen being displayed at next load up does not seem to work. Has anyone else noticed this and is there a way to fix it?

Please, rephrase your problem: are you talking about Simple User Interface Menu or the skinned window? Which box are you talking about? Could you post a picture of it (you can use the button Attach in the posting window). :wink:

This is the screen in question (jpg attached) :slight_smile:

It sounds like the same problem as posted to this thread… is it?

sorry…which thread?

;D just hit the “this thread” text in that post, there is a link under it.




Hey, Igor, your guess was wrong… See;action=display;threadid=862
What´s happening?

Macman, how is configured your avast4.ini file?
Like this:




The second option - as Igor says below - has to make the help index disappear… But why the button is not working for you? :cry:

Well, the meaning of the value is (despite it’s name) the opposite. The value 1 means that the help will not be shown, the value 0 means it will.

You can try to reinstall/update the HTML help components (

I have installed updated HTML help file. Made no difference. I have changed the ini help value setting from 1 to 0 and back again. Made no difference. I might try completely uninstalling and then re-installing Avast.
Thanks for all the suggestions. Apart from this one small problem I have , Avast is great! I love it. :slight_smile:

Settings the ShowHelpCheckList value to 1 in the [Simple] section of avast4.ini made no difference? ???
It really should… >:(

I think it´s necessary to stop/restart avast! to load the changes in avast4.ini.
A boot may be enough. Maybe stopping and restarting the residents… :wink:

The problem has been solved with your help. After uninstalling and then reinstalling software I could not find any reference at all in the avast 4 ini file about showing help checklist screen. By editing the file and adding the command " ShowHelpChecklist=1", the screen no longer appears.

Ok, so you are a happy avast! user again… :smiley:

You bet I am happy. I have been an internet user for years and have been running Norton’s antivirus for the past 4 years. I have dumped that in favour of Avast and it is one of the best moves I have made in quite some time!
Apart from that Avast forum users are very firiendly and helpful. I am definitely an Avast convert!

Yeah!!! :wink: :wink: :wink:

great ;D