Since upgrade Web Shield no longer works

Since the last automatic update several days ago, Web Shield (4.6-652) seems to be blocking all http traffic and I get an alert dialog in Mozilla FireFox saying “The document contains no data”. Without closing my Mozilla session I terminate Web Shield and I’m able to surf the Internet. If I enable Web Shield all Internet traffic is blocked.

Avast Pro (Trial License) 4.6.652 with VPS 0518-3 is running on my Athlon 1Ghz with 512M RAM and Windows XP 5.1.2600 SP2. I’ve connected to the Internet via my Netgear RP614 Cable/DSL Web Safe Router Gateway that is connect to Bigpond Cable. The Windows Firewall is enabled, however disabling this does not allow Web Shield to work. I’ve also added Web Shield to the list of valid programs to use the internet.

Any ideas on whats going on?

Welcome to forums ballmj !

See this thread, and PROXY thing could help in your case as well…

I am not aware of any changes that should cause this. Can you please try to enable logging for webshield and send it to me?

  • edit \data\avast4.ini

  • find the section [WebScanner]

  • add the line

  • restart webshield (terminate and start)

Then (after trying to access some pages) WebShield will create ashwebsv.log and in the \data\log\ folder. Please send me both. They would be accessible when webshield is terminated again.


Lukas, for me, with ZA I can’t browse from HTTP to HTTPS: email loggins, bank sites, etc.
It’s not a deterministic behavior: one time the page loads, others not… In one computer, I give up on teaching the users how to manage it. I just disable WebShield… It’s not always stable, in all systems, all the time… Specially whit HTTPs :cry:
Oh, I forget, the computer uses a local proxy :stuck_out_tongue: