Site Blocked - URL:Phishing

Hello avast team, Avast says that my websit has been infected with url: phishing . so i coulnt acces my website . could you pls look into the issue what has caused it or is it a avast mistake. icheck my domain with and there isnt any malware or security issue
Thanks in advance for your concern.

Checking for cloaking
There is a difference of 1228 bytes between the version of the page you serve to Chrome and the version you serve to GoogleBot. This probably means some code is running on your site that’s trying to hide from browsers but make Google think there’s something else on the page.

Status codes
These should normally all be the same.

GoogleBot returned code 403
Google Chrome returned code 301 to hxtps://

Reputation checks have been performed on the IP address for each of the linked sites. Hosts found on blacklists with poor reputation may be a threat to users of the site. Hosting and locations are also included in the results.

Externally Linked Host Hosting / Company Netblock Country Given all green. TWITTER GODADDY-AMS, DE FACEBOOK FACEBOOK

Wait for a final verdict from avast team, as avast team members are the only ones to come and unblock.

polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold recon website security analyst and website error-hunter)