Site Bloqued False Positive / Bloqueio de Site com Falso Positivo

Friends, avast started blocking the site from a client of mine done in wordpress. So all users that have the Avast can not access the site. A serious and very serious problem. Before all the tests I did no security system has detected something wrong in the field. Follow links to prove it:

So I ask you what I can do about it? Anyone know a procedure or solution?

Amigos, o avast começou a bloquear o site de um cliente meu feito em wordpress. Então todos os usuários que possuírem o Avast não conseguirão acessar o site. Um problema sério e muito grave. Diante de todos os testes que fiz nenhum sistema de segurança detectou algo errado no domínio. Seguem links para provar isso:

Por isso pergunto a vocês o que posso fazer quanto a isso? Alguém saberia um procedimento ou solução?

You can report a possible FP here:

Browser difference:
Google: 140 bytes
Firefox: 75794 bytes
Diff: 75654 bytes

Blacklisted on one or more lists:

Huge amount of security problems:

Malicous files:

Before all the tests I did no security system has detected something wrong in the field. Follow links to prove it:
Nothing wrong detected? Come on. There is a lot wrong.
So I ask you what I can do about it?
Best way to start is getting a host that does know what he is doing especially when it comes to security.

vulnerable to poodle and freak attack is not a false positive.
His host still lives in the stone age :wink:

The domain was blocked due to phishing here:

I know the phishing page is not up anymore, but to prevent this from happening as soon as I unblock it, we need you to update all systems, change all passwords, remove all suspicious files, etc. once you have done that, post a note here and PM me (I do not visit all topics all the time) so I can unblock your domain.

Hello Honza since the last problem I’ve done the cleaning, I left everything up to date and even installed firewall and new layers of security. I would appreciate if you can unlock.

Unblocked :wink:

The huge security issues are still there.
If you do not run your own server, your host should fix them right away.
If they don’t, get a new and good host who does care about security.

Thanks, but still blocked. How this works?

Depending on how Honza unblocked it (stream/VPS), it might take a bit.