That’s funny… you don’t like skins just like that ? So did you “shave” your Windows to look like Windows 3.11 ? You can save some system resorces (some 0.01%) That was joke…
You can always switch to low-res skin. It still looks good, and I believe it takes less resources…
no its not speed, just hate skins. also, on avast it feels like they are bit buggy. just a plain interface and text links or buttonstyle like the ‘‘On-Acces Protection Control’’ will do fine
It feels like they are bit buggy ? >:( What’s that suppose to mean ? They are not buggy and that’s for sure. All skins are tested 100 and more times by me (those that were made by me), M.Novak, Vlk and also by other members of Alwil software. No skin can be in avast! skin download section if it hasn’t passed all those tests. Find just one bug and I’ll kill myself, 'cause I’m 100% sure I took it to perfection… (well, at least I gave my best) …that was my intention in the first place. I really don’t understand some people… You give them something more and they keep complaining more than ever before… just like you took something from them. I don’t have a problem if you hate my skin style or you hate the way I made all of my skins. It’s OK, I didn’t expect that all users will like them, but there are some wonderful skins done by Martin Novak, and no one can tell me that those are no good ! Those are wonderful !
No one can stop you hate those skins, no one can force you use them… it’s very simple, though… if you don’t like them, don’t use them, but to say that those are buggy ?!! Common…
First of all, I’m not artist at all. I just love what I do and I’m trying to put myself 100% into this job.
hugoboss wrote:
“Impressionable” is the word that you needed in that sentence… no I’m not, I told you, I’m not artist
Everybody in this forum likes my work, some of them don’t like my style, but at least they have some decency not to spit on someone else’s work, 'cause they know that making of skins is hell of a hard work…
If you don’t know how to appreciate it, or better to say, you don’t wanna appreciate it, so you think this is the place where you can spit all over people… you are wrong my friend. Find some flamming forum…
What kind a man you are when you are able to say “I hate artists too” that easy ? Tomorrow, when you find some small minor bug in avast antivirus program, you’ll say: “I hate programmers”, very next day: “I hate forum support…” etc. People like you is very difficult to understand well… it smells like Croatia (no offence to anyone particular, but I had some very jealous friends down there), so I think it’s better for you to continue your little fight with your Cube page… sounds familiar ?
And, yes… you can turn off skins in avast!, but first you have to find out how to do that…
hugoboss wrote:
i hate to click something and get a feeling it gonna explode, blurrs up, shakes, rattle...
By the way, nothing is going to explode… that’s just you are being paranoid… ;D
This is in no way an insult to the artisits of the skins that are available for Avast. I say this with all due respect!
I would really love to see a skin free skin myself. I like the “Avast! on access scanner” GUI, and it presents a very professional screen, that looks good and is easy to use. If the creators of Avast could come up with a skin free skin that is set up, and looks just like the on access scanner GUI, I think they would have the best of both worlds with their AV.
I know Douglas, and you’re 100% right. Some people don’t like fancy skins and they want their program to do it’s primary function first. It’s completely understandable. Nothing wrong with that, but did you see that guy talking some stupidities like he hates artists and similar stuff ? Is obvious that his intention was to provoke, but I’m 300% calm… why ? for the second time - 'cause I’m not artist ! I just like to draw and that little tiny fact doesn’t make me artist, right ? So I don’t know who is that guy who he hates… :
Cheers !
P.S. Mina, I’m sending big greetings to your Egyptian people !!! And BTW, this is picture preview of my new “Corporate” skin. I sent it to Vlk, few minutes ago, so he’ll perform some additional tests tomorrow (most likely)…
Sasha has put a lot of time to make sure those skins dont have bugs. I use the G5 skin by him and it is great for his first skin. If you dont like skins dont use them but please dont offend Sasha.
Thanks guys, you’re real friends. Your voices of support made me feel so good. I still can not believe that this forum is so full of wonderful people… real friends, not fake ones. You can see who’s your real friend when it comes to battle. Thanks a lot, and I must say something one more time…
I’m not artist ! Artists are people who makes money on their artworks, or not make money at all, but art is their primary job. My job is everything but art… I like to spend some time drawing, painting, playing in Fireworks, Photoshop etc., but I’m far from artist…