
Can somebody tell me how I can change skin in avast! 4 Home :slight_smile:

Just go to the main menu (e.g. by rightclicking on the text inside the Simple User Interface window) and choose “Select skin”.

When I go to main menu on the left I have menu like internet menu , instant messaging and other. On right I have level of security. So where is menu to change this skin ???

open up avast main program using the desktop icon…or go to windows start menu…programs.

Phoenix, don’t left click the avast! tray icon - use the right mouse button instead and select “Start avast! Antivirus” from the popup menu. This will start avast! Simple User Interface.

I do this and them windows show me error and I can
choose between close or details So what I must do ?

Sounds like a corrupted install.Click details and post back what the errors are .

This is in polish

ASHSIMPL spowodowa? b??d: nieprawid?owa strona w
module ITSS.DLL przy 0177:5d49328d.
EAX=00000000 CS=0177 EIP=5d49328d EFLGS=00010246
EBX=01f4e8c0 SS=017f ESP=01f4e898 EBP=01f4e8a8
ECX=01f4e8a4 DS=017f ESI=00000001 FS=7b3f
EDX=00000000 ES=017f EDI=004489c4 GS=0000
BajtĂłw w CS:EIP:
83 08 10 4e 89 04 b3 eb 01 4e 85 f6 8b 04 b3 89
004489e0 004489c4 01f4e8c0 00000000 01f4eb0c 5d4937e7 01f4e8d0 01f4e8c0 00000000 ffffffff 5d4937c8 004489c4 0044bd08 00000000 00000000 01f4e914

ASHSIMPL spowodowa? b??d: nieprawid?owa strona w
module - in english is
ASHSIMPL cause error: incorrect site inmodule
So what to do ?

Im not sure whether avast or something else is the problem here.The itss.dll is the infotech mass system storage file which is used in html help files etc and has been associated with a vulnerabilty in outlook express and IE.A critical update is available to patch this.Have you just installed avast?..if so what antivirus was you using previously and was it up to date?.Also is your system fully updated with windows critical updates/patches ?.Firstly check your avast log viewer (right clcik the icon in system tray…then check for any entries in the log viewer )If no entries are there ,Personally I would uninstall avast and delete the alwil folder (make sure you note your serial number) , and use a registry cleaner to clean any remnants.I would then manually perform a windows update and check you have all the critical updates.Then i would perform an online scan here…

If all then seems ok , i would reinstall avast and report back your results.

“Personally I would uninstall avast and delete the alwil folder”
I did it and I have continually problem with avast!

“Then i would perform an online scan here…”

My avasta work good but when I use the right mouse button instead and select Start avast! Antivirus them windows show error. I have all update.

So what to do next ?

Does the mouse work when you right click on the avast log viewer?If so check the logs for any errors.Does the right clicking of the mouse work ok with all programmes except avast?.Can you also confirm what operating system you are using , and wehther the error you are recieving is the same each time.Do you have any other AV installed?

ITSS.DLL is certainly not an avast! library - I must admit I never heard of this one.
I would suggest to see this Microsoft Knowledge Base article and install the offered HTML Help update.

I have win 98. I have another AV but he is OFF. So what to do with this error I install HTML Help update but windows still show error

I use 98 (se) an havent had this problem.What other AV do you have installed?.Im not sure what to advise here if as you say you have all windows critical updates installed , and you have thouroughly uninstalled and reinstalled avast.One last thought may be to run system file checker.Type sfc.exe in start>run and scan for altered files.Maybe that particular file will show up and prompt you to replace the file from cab files.A rule of thumb (if you havent used system file checker before ,is if it finds that a file has changed…possibly because its been replaced by a more up to date one… keep the newer one.You will be able to tel this by the version numbers)
Other than that maybe repairing IE will do the trick.Go to add/remove programmes and clcik remove and it will offer to take you back to the original version of IE.Of course you will have to perform windows update again to get it back to IE6 and fully patched.Other than that im not sure what to recommend.