Wonder if anyone else is noticing a slow down in Firefox and with their programs since the latest update to Avast Premier (10.3.2225)? I also just updated Firefox to the most recent (39.0.3) so it may be that. Haven’t tried other web browsers to see if it’s the same there.
thanks for responding and glad that you’re not seeing any slowness.
I notice that the Avast icon in systray nearly constantly spins when accessing, typing, etc. which is most likely causing things to slow down. Maybe for some reason avast is in ‘learning mode’ and it will clear up soon.
Well the icon doesn’t rotate for no reason, it is an indication that it is scanning as an on-access AV should.
Though simply typing shouldn’t cause that it is only when you run, modify or create a new file and the scan should only take place at the point it is saved for those two.
The learning mode as far as I’m aware is only in the firewall element, but I don’t use the avast firewall so I can’t say for sure.
You could try opening the task manager and look and see what functions/processes are using the most CPU as they are more likely to be triggering avast to scan.
been a long time Alan here. I am trying to get the default language on my old account in this forum switched back to English from Czech.
Anyway the reason I am doing so is to raise an issue between the latest releases of Avast and Firefox. The OP here is not alone. I can see a repeatable issue on Windows XP (yes I know I am a dinosaur) that I have yet to repeat on Windows 7. Problem arises with multiple recent updates to both Firefox and Avast to try to narrow down the problem.
However AvastSVC.exe should not be consuming 50% total CPU even after exiting Firefox as it is repeatedly for me and preventing Firefox restarting even though Windows XP is a distinctly smaller part of the Avast user base. I will post more after (hopefully) my old account gets fixed.
thanks David - it is very strange and brand new since the updates I mentioned. I can’t view the Task Manager window while I’m typing, so can’t provide any feedback on that.
Wonder if I should should roll back Avast or Firefox or both and do a clean install? If so which one to do first or does it matter?
Alan, I’m glad that I’m not alone. Hope that you get your old account fixed soon and are able to provide more info on the conflicts and hopefully solutions.
The forum Language for your old account should be relatively easy to change - Profile > Modify Profile > Preferred Language, use the Drop down list to change language.
But you would have to log on to your old account to do it.
EDIT: I now see that you have had a response in your other topic - Welcome back Alan.
MORE PROBLEMS! I decided to do a repair thru the Control Panel. After this the firewall was turned off and would not be turned back on! And, SafeZone was not accessible! Then I went to Control Panel to do a system restore to before the Repair and my whole computer froze! Had to do a forced shut down. Now at least I have control back, and the firewall is turned on, but the original problem of the systray icon spinning even while typing is still an issue.
Thinking I should uninstall the x.2225 program update and reinstall the older version. Thoughts?
very strange! I posted a reply to this, but it’s not here …
so, with Task Manager open and me typing I see out of the ordinary
FAHWindows64.exe (Winzip file association, which I think I can safely uninstall) and 2 netsession_win.exe*32
I don’t think that either of these would be making Avast icon spin… but I’m not sure
There is a forum bug that on occasion eats your post. I use a firefox add-on Form History Control that you can recover previous text input fields, so you don’t have to type everything out again.
It is hard to determine what their activity might be and how it may impact on avast scanning. It would rather depend on their CPU activity to give an idea of how much they are doing.