Slower network speed with VPN

My down- and upload speed has an average around 45 Mbps on the net without Avast! Safe Line.
No matter where I connect to with Avast! Safe Line I can’t get more han 2,5 Mbps.
What is the problem? Is it you or is it me?


Have you tried different vpn servers?
It can be one is really busy.

Oh yes…
I’m i Norway and have been trying both London, Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfurt and New York with about the same speed. None over 2,46 Mbps…

How did you test the speed?
Have you tried it with different vpn servers on different times?

Tested with three different speed test app’s for several days now, and at different times a day. Can’t get any higher than 2,46 at download, but just under 5 at upload.

What isp do you have and what package from them ?

Got 50/50 Mbps fiber from company called Viken Fiber.
Tested it right now without the vpn and got 46 down and 51 up.

I’ve been following and am curious, I have licensed Secureline and used off and on for couple of years.
Just a thought, if you do not got any resolution/satisfaction, have you tried another VPN service (free or trial) to see if the same situation occurs? :slight_smile:

No, haven’t done that, but I guess I have to try that too.

It will let you know if it’s isolated to one service.
When I was testing, I tested five different services over the years and now have 2 on my laptops all the time in case there are issues with one…
Just my experience :slight_smile:

Thanx so far… :slight_smile: