Hello, I don’t know if this is the right place for this kind of stuff but I’ll try to make it short.
Recently, I created a post in the “viruses and worms” forums to get help and I stopped the help process probably midway and I told one of the Avast Malware Removers or I guess one of the volunteer moderators that I’ll be continuing it around in the afternoon. Now, I realized that my laptop and the forum have different time or I guess timezones and what I’m just asking is when will they be coming back online to help more people?
Most malware helpers are on European, GMT time zones
General help is available almost around the clock.
Specialized help (Virus and Worms etc) which requires special skills and training is only
available from certain Forum members and as essexboy (one of the best) has already mentioned
is more restrictive since there are only a relatively few helpers and most of them are in Europe.
(It’s well worth the wait.)
Alright thank you very much essexboy and bob3160 for reading and answering my question.
You can change the date/time that the webboard shows you.
Profile > Forum Profile > Modify Profile > Look and Layout