The only icon on my desktop is the recycle bin; I like to keep it clean. Starting programs is done via Launchy a keystroke launcher and only a few favorites are pinned to the taskbar. I therefore never opt for placing a shortcut on my desktop when installing an application.
Somehow though, Avast thinks it’s necesarry to force the shortcut upon it’s users (no option to NOT create one). Even worse is the fact that the shortcut gets created every time you perform a program upgrade from within Avast.
First action after reboot? Select icon → shift+del → are you sure? Hell yes.
My request: stop creating the shortcut without me asking for it.
Most people prefer to have the desktop icon and I have very serious doubts that
avast will ever “not” have the icon. The easiest solution for you is to simply delete
the icon. I’m sorry I don’t see the big deal. Besides having desktop icons keeps the
start menu clean and makes finding software easier to find. Come to think of it I have
never seen a desktop without “any” icons.
It’s not a big issue, that’s why I called it a small request.
I don’t need/use the start menu to start programs. Launchy → 2 first letters is often enough to find the thing I want to start.
There’s plenty of people that don’t dump everything on their desktop.
My plight was simply for an option to opt out of placing the icon during setup and respecting this setting while updating. This option could be hiding in the custom install settings for all I care.
What’s the need for desktop icon anyway? It’s a resident program that strictly has to be resident to function anyway. It’s always next to the clock, so why even do it?
And that’s somehow important? 3/4 of avast! doesn’t even function in Safe-Mode, so who cares really? You still have the icon in Start menu if it’s somehow really that necessary to access it. But most casual users don’t even know how to enter Safe-Mode and those who do will most likely be able to find the Start shortcut or even EXE in the install folder…
Important or not, it is the only feasible reason I can think of why avast might place a desktop shortcut for avast, when there are so many other ways to access avast to start it.
If it DIDN’T leave something laying around, I bet a lot of people would wonder whether it was installed (“Welcome to Avast!” audio message notwithstanding).
But I’m with Tripredacus and others here - doesn’t seem necessary. On the other hand, it’s really not that big a deal.