SMS locate command not returning any result


On my rooted 2.3 HTC evo 4G slide, I have anti-theft running and the remote list, found, etc commands are working just fine. When I do a “locate” the acknowledgment is returned, but never even the tower triangulated attempt at location is received. I also noticed that in the “Automatically enable GPS” option is grey and not checkable. What gives?

Using my rooted G2x on Android 2.3.7 I was able to initiate the Locate command and get the following:

Me: xxxxx locate 12:13 AM
+1xxxxxxxxxx: avast! Anti-Theft ( OK: A locate command has been successfully issued. 12:13 AM
+1xxxxxxxxxx: avast! Anti-Theft ( location. Map (,-122.138623&ac=20&ap=0) (WIFI) Accur 12:16 AM
+1xxxxxxxxxx: acy (20m) Owner (xxxxxx) Network (T-Mobile) Signal (1/7) Cell ID (xxxxxxx) Country (USA) Area Code (xxxxx) New IMSI (xxxxxxxxxxx) IMEI (xxxxxxxxxxxx) 12:16 AM

The response came about 3 minutes after I initiated the locate command as shown above.

Interesting. I’m on 2.3.7 and am still getting precisely one reply after a minute or two saying " avast! Anti-Theft ( OK: A locate command has been successfully issued."

That’s it, nothing more.

The only other thing I can suggest is that you first put your phone in a location you can get a GPS lock. Time it if possible because this would what I assume the Mobile Security is attempting to obtain before delivering. Then initiate the locate command again. My version of AVAST Mobile Security is 120229-01.

we would have to do a log with a debug version. please mail me to holzner (at)

I have exactly the same problem as taupehat; getting the first confirmation message: “avast! Anti-Theft ( OK: A locate command has been successfully issued.” and nothing else. Avast version: 1.0.1892 (Update Feb 27, 2012) on a Rooted LG Optimus M.

Please any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Is it every time or only sometimes?

Everytime. Any ideas?


We just had the same problem with another customer. Actually the problem was that the phone wasnt able to send the SMS.
Do you have CDMA phone?

Was there a resolution to this problem?? I am getting the same issue. When I send SMS command to locate I only get 1 reply saying:

“avast! Anti-Theft ( OK: A locate command has been successfully issued.”

I get no other replies, phone can get a GPS lock no problem. GPS turns on and so does the wifi icon when command is sent. I have reinstalled software number of times, tied with international numbers (i.e. +1xxxxxxxx) still no change, wont send back reply of coordinates.

I am running Android 4.2.2 in Canada

can you get us a log (ADB logcat)?

Sure where do you want me to email it? Explain the exact steps you want me to take? (i.e. send SMS command and wait how long?) I do have Android SDK pack installed, what command do you want me to use to pull the logs using ADB?


hi send it to

the command is “adb logcat > log.txt”

first create an empty file “avast-debug” on /sdcard directory, then reboot phone, then send command and wait for 10 minutes. then you can end log (CTRL+C) and send me the file.