software updater

The software updater shows critical on my Java. When I check my version on the java website, it says I have the recommended version. My question is why am I getting this critical update reminder if it’s already up to date?
Thanks for any replies

Check in control panel for how many Java’s are installed. I reckon you will find at least one old one… That is what Avast is picking up on

Also, if you have Java 7 Update 25, make sure that it is V. If it is not, download it again and reinstall it. Early Java installer got V. and that is why SU is giving you the warning.

I have version V.7.0_25-b16. so I guess that is why I’m getting the message in updates. Thank you for both of your replies, much appreciated. Is there really such a big difference that I should remove and install again, and would it be better to do it from the software updater, or remove and re-download?

It depends really on whether you really need Java on your system :slight_smile:

An update from Java should be sufficient

I don’t mean to sound stupid, but what would constitute me having Java on my computer? I basically just check email , read the news and do searches.

Do you use Pogo games as I believe that is the common use for it along with some financial programmes

I don’t use Pogo. I play party poker.

I do not believe that uses Java … You could uninstall Java and see if it still works, if it does then I would recommend that you read this page to totally secure yourself