Software Updates

My Avast IS updater keeps telling me that an update is available for Java Runtime Environment. However when I click on the download, I get the message that the programme is already up to date and do I want to replace it. I click on ‘no’. I then open AIS again and am told that the programme is not up to date and that the update is available. Which should I believe? The AIS Updater or my computer?

controlpanel > ad/remove programs … do you see an old java there?
if so remove it and reboot

any change?

Unless you absolutely need JRE uninstall it.
JRE has a history of being easily exploited.
I got rid of it a long, long time ago. :slight_smile:

All I see there is ‘Java 7 Update 25’. Is this what I should uninstall??

As you can see from my post above, JRE is not listed in my P&Fs

JRE is just your regular Java Runtime Environment. In other words your Java 7 Update 25. The thing here is that you may have build # 16 and the correct build is # 17. Like this 1.7.0_25-b17

Now if you want to uninstall Java because there is no need for it in your sys ( No program uses it ), go ahead. If you want Avast! to detect the right Java version, you need to install the latest.

Choose Windows x86 or x64 depending on your system.


The JRE is1.7.0_25-64bit

I do not use X64, but I downloaded the Java installer for Windows X64 and it says that the version is o if you click properties 1.7.0-b 147. What I am saying is that it is better to reinstall a fresh copy of Java and see if the Avast! SU alert goes away.

Used your link and downloaded the program again. However, the Avast updater is still showing that there is an update available. :frowning:

Thanks. Will try that now.

Thank you so much. A 3-4 second Rescan and the problem was solved. The Updater, really is up to date now and I can stop worrying. :slight_smile:

Glad I was able to help. :slight_smile:

I tried to update my Avast security defininitions today and I got an error message saying there wasn’t enough space? I checked my harddrive and there is plenty of space, well over 300gigs of open space so what is happening?

This is not related to the OP but try setting your vps updates to auto-update. :slight_smile: