It is send through virus-chest
Report of the analysis
MD5 Code: 70b699aea256254e1047d4adf379e257
SHA256 57bfb324c326db297e413437dc36ec15175dcdff80da373ce870838e2fbd55a1
First submission 2016-03-14 16:21:23 UTC ( 8 minutes ago )
Last submission 2016-03-14 16:21:23 UTC ( 8 minutes ago )
Detection ratio: 13 / 56
If you actually check that VT listing, there are 4 detections all with the same name Gen:Application.Heur.eu5@XQ2uHgli.
What that tells you is that they are all using the same detection engine and signatures. So detection ratio is slightly lower.
Also AdLoad-PUA I would say may well not be detected on default settings (Scan for PUPs, do you have that enabled ?) as PUA I would hazard a guess is Potentially Unwanted Application. Not to mention the AdLoad, possibly means AdWare.
All of the other detection names tend to be heuristic or generic detections.
This threat is also known as WS.Reputation.
I would say may well not be detected on default settings (Scan for PUPs, do you have that enabled ?) as PUA I would hazard a guess is Potentially Unwanted Application.Yes.I enabled it from the start ;) What is wrong with Avast! Detection?it was classified as PUA/PUP. But Avast! detected as a Win32:Malware-gen.